$99.00 USD

Every month

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For $50 per month, access even more support from Ann Marie on a monthly 30-minute 1:1 coaching call.

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Premium Coaching

Premium coaching at value pricing.

Your $150 setup fee covers your kickstart macro count to make sure your hard work in the gym (or at home) is partnered with balanced nutrition. This Macro Count includes a guided audit process, custom macros developed based on your goals, and a 1:1 call to go over them together!


This coaching program includes:

  • Home or Gym workouts readily available at your fingertips on my Body AMplified Training App
  • Monthly Check-in to receive customized feedback (via video recording) on your macros, your workout form video submissions, and more.
  • Access to our Body AMp Member's Chat for inspiration, support, and community
  • Monthly Recipe Packs including traditional meals & plant-based meals (30 per month!)
  • Monthly Challenges to keep you engaged and excited about working out
  • Monthly Group Coaching Calls where we can dive into Macros, High-Intensity Alternatives, Mindset, and more 

This membership has a 6-month commitment followed by month-to-month access. You may cancel at any time after your first 6 months and your membership access will remain active until the end of your billing cycle.

No refunds are provided on Digital Products or Memberships. All sales are final.